It feels like a Ghost Town and I am a bit worried…
Since I posted my quasi-rant about energy vampires the number of comments to Beth’s blog and the number of friendly, checking in emails have dropped way off. They’ve dropped way off to the point where it is really bothering Beth and she is feeling somewhat abandoned.
I really didn’t mean for you, our friends in this blog community to go away. Please do email Beth and write comments to her. She may not always be up to answering but she still needs and wants to hear from you.
I will pick up my emailing. Today is a good day for me to play catch-up.
Hey, how are you doing, by the way? Sometime I'd like to read how you have continued to combine rangering with your back issues. OK, that's probably a different blog altogether. Still, I'd like to read it.
Oh, Cheryl, don't blame yourself! I think this is a time of year when a lot of people sort of get caught up in their own stuff-- the killer death flu that's going around, playing catchup after the holidays, breaking New Year's Resolutions, spring classes... for me it's been relationship problems and money problems and sick pets sapping my emotional energy and making me withdraw into myself. I'll send Beth an email tonight.
Hi, I've just come across Beth's blog and beautiful postcards yesterday. I've subscribed and look forward to corresponding with her but cannot contact through the E-mail link? Can you direct me to how I can e-mail her? I want you to know that you and Cheryl are held in my highest esteem-no not because I think you are saints but because through it all you've not abandonded her. You're adhering to her wishes by resucitating her and keeping her alive one more day. I for one have renewed faith for the human race-something I've been struggling with. From me Thank You, Bronwyn Sparks
Cheryl and Linda... hi, and hope you're both coping OK, in what must be a horrendously difficult time for you. You must feel you're beating your heads against a wall, trying to get decent care, even common humanity, in the medical system "treating" - or rather, not treating - Beth.
I ordered some books off Beth's wish-list, from Amazon.com and just had confirmation that one has been dispatched, hopefully the others soon.
Love & peace
I don't think your post had anything to do with the drop off. It seems like a lot of people who have chronic illnesses are struggling right now with increased pain and/or fatigue. I'm not doing so well myself. I've left a couple of long comments lately and they didn't get posted on Elizabeth's blog. Have there been any problems with Blogger? It's been tough to gather myself and focus on a comment and then have it disappear. I will continue to keep her in my thoughts and will keep in touch as much as possible.
I thought that photo looked familiar--I've been to Elkhorn!
I meant to ask: Beth mentioned two days' memory. Does that mean that I shouldn't tell her to expect post from the U.K., which is clearly going to take unpredictably longer than that? Or is 'sometime soonish but possibly several two-days-es' worth telling her to expect? (If it is, I posted a card, a slightly bonkers one, on Wed.)
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