I had heard pedicures were very indulgent and I thought they might be overrated until I had the paraffin wax applied. Very nice. I walked out feeling that my feet didn’t below to me. Feeling more normal now.
Shortly after I came home Beth and I spent some time looking for more rubber stamps. We have about six of our own and another 20-30 Cheryl lent us. But we’ve used them so many times we were wanting a few new ones. We use rubbers stamps but the companies that are the best are Stamp Oasis, Stamp Francisco, Hanko, and Komodo brands. They are the best becuase they are well made with deep grooves for clarity. A well made stamp is a stamp we can use many times before it goes mushy, plus it has vivid detail. Stamp Oasis has the best. Here's a Stamp Oasis stamp we bought today. It's just like the torii we saw on Miyajima Island.

Some sites we want to explore more later are: Stampin Treasures , KraftyatKrafts.com and Addicted to Rubber Stamps. If you want to contribute to the Postcard Project, but want to send something other than postcards you can take a look at our favourite brands on these sites, purchase one and send it to our US address:
Elizabeth McClung
P.O. Box 2560
Port Angeles, WA
I am always amazed at the generosity and thoughtfulness of Beth’s readers. Each week there is usually at least one gift in Cheryl’s bag of goodies she brings over from our US post office box. We really appreciate that people have taken the time and thought about what Beth might like – whether it be kitty-related, things with wings, postcards and stickers and so many other items.
For those of you who have asked how they can help and want to give something but don’t know what, I have some gift certificate ideas for you…
1. We’ve created an Amazon wishlist.

2. Food - For those of you concerned about us not getting enough food to eat, rather than sending us perishable goods in the mail how about gift cards? The two grocery stores I use the most in Victoria are Safeway and Thrifty’s. I contacted Thrifty’s and to order a gift card you need to call (250) 544-1234 or (800) 667-8280 and purchase the card over the phone. They will give you a fax number for you to fax over some ID confirming you are the credit card holder. The grocery card is called a Smile Card and can be in any denomination you choose. They will ask which Thrifty’s to send the card to – I shop at the Fairfield Plaza Thrifty’s and the store will call me to let me know there is a card waiting for me. If you want to purchase a Thrify’s gift card, contact me and I’ll give you our phone number.
3. Clothing – When we go to Seattle we’re going to stop at Victoria’s Secret and buy Beth some more underwear and maybe some new PINK label clothing. We’ll also go to HotTopic and Tall Girl in the Westlake Centre. Hot Topic is where Beth gets all her cool shirts and corsets. With the exception of the green corset pictured in her blog the other day, she hasn’t bought shirts since last winter. At Tall Girl we hope to get Beth some new jeans. I bought her 2 pair when we first got back from Japan and that’s all she’s got for bottoms (not including 1 pair of sweats). And they’re loose now. There’s also a Tall Girl in Victoria and we’ll be checking it out. Going by past history, the US and Canadian stores have the same price on the tags – so buying in Canada means we save 20-30% so I think we’ll try there first.
That’s me done for tonight. I promise my next blog will be about non-financial things. I’ve been wanting to write a blog sharing some things from my perspective – maybe that will be the next one.
gravy granules have been posted and should be there by next week. :) Enjoy!
Thank you for this, Linda!
I am once again so glad Beth has you in her life, and in awe of the amount of love and support you give one another.
I would love to hear more from your perspective, and I'm glad you had a pedicure and enjoyed it. I love to send gifts to Beth, and I'm very happy to have more suggestions. It is very fun to shop for Beth because she has such interesting, unusual tastes and likes things that I wish I was brave enough to wear!
I would like to know more about YOUR tastes, too, so I'm going to take a good look at the wishlist. In the last couple little packages I sent Beth, I tried to include at least one thing the two of you could enjoy together, but pretty much all I knew about your tastes is that you like strawberries, lasagna, deer, and Beth, and that you hate raisins.
Hrm. I'm going to have to take a closer look at the list's, as well.
Linda, write what you want to write, when you want to write it. We will listen, and we will comment, just like we do with Beth.
Which of you liked the bento boxes? I found a site that describes how to make Totoro meals for bento boxes, if you'd like.
Speaking of phone numbers... I have one that I think is yours. I've had it for a few months. Might I try calling one day?
Thanks for sharing what sort of things you two will use! It's a gift I appreciate.
CJF: Cool! We used to have chips from the chip shop next door once a week and make the instant gravy to put on top. We can't seem to find something similar in a tub where all you have to add is water. The nearest are individual gravy packets which are more expensive. All the bistro mixes require meat drippings for the flavour.
Veralidaine: I'm so glad you love sending gifts to Beth - I agree that it is very fun shopping for her because of her unusual tastes.
If all you know about my tastes is that I like strawberries, lasagna, deer and Beth and that I hate raisins, I guess I better provide more suggestions. Actually, I used to collect stuff like elaborate children's pop up books and musical boxes, but over the years I've gone off all of that. I'm afraid I've become a very boring individual - even Beth complains that it's hard to buy for me as I don't have much interest in stuff. So... let's see: I do like milk chocolate - especially if it's combined with anything hazelnut. Every few months I buy myself a jar of nutella for my morning toast and indulge. I like nice soaps and creams but don't have time these days for bubble baths. Not so much for the baths themselves but for the time to scrub the tub beforehand:) I love stationery (pens, notebooks, colorful post-its) - going to stores like Staples is dangerous as I always come out with more than is on my list. I enjoy scrapbooking but only have time to do it a few days a year. I want to do my Japan album over Christmas but haven't printed out my photos at Prism Imaging in town. They are the best at developing the pictures - got some done at Walmart and I wasn't impressed. I enjoy fresh flowers - daffodils are may favourite - I'm glad I live in Victoria as this where Canada grows their daffodils - there are fields and fields of them in the spring and they get sent all over the country.
Guess that's it for now.
Raccoon: We've both got bento boxes - your recipe sounds intriguing.
Yanub: I'm glad the list will be helpful.
I'd like to join the chorus of "thanks for posting lists" and add "thanks for posting the address." I wasn't sure how to send goodies, or how to get in touch via email to ask and this makes the process infinitely easier.
Much love,
I ordered one of the bed-pads for Beth. I hope it makes things more comfortable for her.
Love & peace
I'm glad to hear you were able to go out and enjoy something for yourself, Linda. As caregivers, it is all to easy to neglect oneself due to your busy schedule caring for your loved one(s).
Great information about the stamps, too! I didn't know anything about stamps before, but now have an idea of what to look for, should I come across something. :)
I do so wish I had the means to be one to gift each of you with something wonderful on your Amazon list... instead, I shall wish many wonderful things coming your way.
Denise: You’re welcome. If you need a street address email either myself or Cheryl and we’ll give you Cheryl’s work address.
Kate J: Thanks for ordering the mattress pad. I think it will really help Beth. I’m looking forward to it arriving. Maybe it will arrive before Christmas.
Lisa Moon: Stamping is new for us too – have only been doing it since earlier this summer. Fortunately Cheryl has many years stamping experience and has shown us the ropes and lent us some stamps. We’ve picked up a few supplies at Stampers on Quadra Street – they have a great selection and the only place we know that carries stamps from the Old Island Stamp Company which is based on Saltspring Island.
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